Industrial Ethernet Security Harmonization Group (IESHG) publish first whitepaper


Scottsdale, AZ – November 8th, 2022 – The major Standards Development Organizations OPC Foundation, PI, ODVA and FieldComm Group announce the release of the first whitepaper of their joint working group called Industrial Ethernet Security Harmonization Group (IESHG).

The IESHG meets on a regular basis to discuss security topics in the industrial automation context. The goal of the working group is the alignment of industrial ethernet security concepts, so that end users of the protocols have less complexity when using security in their automation systems.
The first whitepaper was created to shed light on different topics of the security concepts of industrial automation environments. General concepts are explained in an FAQ, like Public-key infrastructures, the different certificate types of the SDOs, as well as certificate management tools.

Download the document here:

Further concepts are currently being worked out, that will lead to further whitepapers.
The IESHG work group leader Simon Merklin, Endress+Hauser says: “The end user and legal security requirements for industrial ethernet technologies accelerate at a high speed in these days. With the IESHG, we ensure that the security concepts of our SDOs lead to harmonized and easy to use secure solutions. With this great group of security experts, we pave the security road for technological advancements, like Ethernet-APL in combination with our industrial ethernet technologies.”

Randy Armstrong, the Chair of the OPC UA Security Working Group says: “Security has become a top priority for IA users today and the onus is on SDOs and IA product vendors to provide solutions that make it practical for IA users to manage large networks of devices with security enabled by default. The IESHG allows the SDOs to help address this challenge by finding ways to agree on common terminology and solutions.”

Stefan Hoppe, President of the OPC Foundation, commented. “The OPC Foundation supports the IESHG effort and is glad to contribute its deep security experience, which it used to design the OPC UA standard to be secure from the ground up and continues to extend via its twenty-member-strong security working group. The global OPC UA adoption we achieved can, in part, be attributed to companies’ demand for secure data connectivity as they seek to digitalize and modernize. Based on this realization, we believe our harmonization efforts with the other SDOs will help the industry innovate faster with more confidence.”

About the OPC Foundation:
Since 1996, the OPC Foundation has facilitated the development and adoption of the OPC information exchange standards. As both advocate and custodian of these specifications, the Foundation’s mission is to help industry vendors, end-users, and software developers maintain interoperability in their manufacturing and automation assets. The OPC Foundation is dedicated to providing the best specifications, technology, process, and certification to achieve multivendor, multiplatform, secure, reliable, interoperability for moving data and information from the embedded world to the enterprise cloud. The Foundation serves over 890 members worldwide in the Industrial Automation, IT, IoT, IIoT, M2M, Industrie 4.0, Building Automation, machine tools, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, and Smart Energy sectors.
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For more information, contact:

Stefan Hoppe
President and Executive Director
OPC Foundation
