- Publish date: 04/04/2023
- Product release date: 04/04/2023
- Product Version: 4.14
- Product Webpage
- Product descriptor (URL)

HiveMQ MQTT Self Hosted Data Broker
HiveMQ is an MQTT broker and a client based messaging platform designed for the fast, efficient and reliable movement of data to and from connected IoT devices. It uses the MQTT protocol for instant, bi-directional push of data between your device and your enterprise systems.
It supports the OPC UA Pub Sub method to get data from OPC UA on OT machines, processes and applications to the enterprise or cloud in an efficient manner in constrained environments like low-bandwidth, high latency, unreliable networks
Product details
Category: Data Integration |
Supported Profiles and Facets
Application Profiles:
UACore 1.05
- Global Certificate Management Client 2022 Profile
Security Policies:
UACore 1.05
- SecurityPolicy - PubSub-Aes256-CTR
User Tokens:
UACore 1.05
- User Token – Issued Token Server Facet
Supported Profiles and Facets
Application Profiles:
UACore 1.05
- Global Discovery and Certificate Mgmt 2022 Server
Security Policies:
UACore 1.05
- SecurityPolicy - PubSub-Aes256-CTR
User Tokens:
UACore 1.05
- User Token – Issued Token Server Facet
Supported Profiles and Facets
Application Profiles:
UACore 1.05
- Global Certificate Management Client 2022 Profile
Security Policies:
UACore 1.05
- SecurityPolicy - PubSub-Aes256-CTR
User Tokens:
UACore 1.05
- User Token – Anonymous Client Facet