- Publish date: 09/25/2014
- Product release date: 09/25/2014
- Product Webpage
Toshiba integrated control system "TOSDIC-CIE DS" is a integrated control system with the new concept to meet the open technology age. An easy-to-use open system is realized by adopting the standard multi-vendor network and the package software of simple engineering.
The TOSDIC-CIE DS system is constructed by using the server station SVR-DS, the operator interface station OIS-DS and nv controllers, and Ethernet control LAN as the network to connect these stations, especially wiring of nv controllers and process I/O sub systems, connections OIS-DS main unit and peripheral devices, two redundant SVR DS stations.
OIS-DS/SMART is a kind of the operator interface station OIS-DS. It is for a small system using PLC. OIS-DS/SMART is gathering data from OPC DA Server, and make the tag structure from that data.
The operator can be monitoring the system using the tag structure like a standard TOSDIC-CIE DS System.
Product Features
Specification of OIS-DS/SMART is below things.
max 8 OPC DA Server
max 990 word of 1 OPC DA Server
Analog input/output tag, Digital input/out tag
max 4096 process tags
max 2500 historical tags
max 32000 historical message