Machine Tools - Monitoring and Job Overview

OPC 40501-1 Machine Tools - Monitoring and Job Overview


Information Model for the representation of a machine tool. Part 1 aims at straightforward integration of a machine tool into higher level IT systems. The scope is to create a common interface among machine tools of different technologies, manufacturers and model series. It allows for monitoring the machine tool and giving an overview of the jobs on it.

Working Group Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems
Document Type Specification
License Specifications
Issue Tracking Mantis Project - OPC 40501-1
Access Level
Releases Registered
Release Candidate Paid members
Version Status Date
Release Candidate 2024-05-19
Topics: Added MachineryOperationCounterType to MachineOperationMonitoringType, deprecated PowerOnDuration defined by Machine Tools
Added OPC 40001-3 JobManagement to Machine Tools
Added FileSystem to MachineToolType
Added deprecation information
Release 2022-07-05
Topics: Errata: - Change the references of the transisitions of ProductionJobStateMachineType, ProductionProgramStateMachineType, ProductionPartStateMachineType - Change the references of the transitions of MachineOperationModeStateMachineType - Deleted unused DataType MaintenanceMode from NodeSet
Release 2020-09-25
Version Status Date
Deprecated 2022-05-31