Cranes&Hoists - MotionDevicesSystemBase

OPC 40020-1 Cranes&Hoists - MotionDevicesSystemBase


A crane or hoist in this context can be any existing or future crane or hoist type (e. g. bridge crane, gantry crane or light crane system) as well as their control units and other peripheral components. Cranes can be equipped with one or more hoists (e. g. electric rope hoist).
Part 1 covers a basic description of the cranes and hoists as a motion device system and has the main scope of transporting condition data from a motion device system vertically into higher level manufacturing systems (line PLC, MES; Cloud) for information and diagnostic purposes.

Typical use cases are supervision, condition monitoring and asset management.

Working Group Cranes and Hoists
Document Type Specification
License Specifications
Access Level Registered
Version Status Date
Release 2023-07-21