To whom it may concern,
I am new to OPC Classic (having more experience with OPC UA). Could someone help to answer my questions?
1. What is the OPC Foundation’s plan for the legacy OPC Classic .NET API? Is the API going to be maintained?
2. If bugs were found, should I report? To where?
3. If new features were needed, for example, implement IOPCSecurityPrivate() interface, what would be recommended approach? Should I download the source code of the NET API, make the modification and begin to maintain the NET API on my own?
Thanks in advance.
All OPC Classic code is past end of life.
If a critical security issue appears it will be patch.
Updates for new windows OSes/.NET frameworks if required.
This is sufficient to ensure an up to date RCWs is always available.
No bug fixes or feature enhancements to the NET API are planned.
If the RCW has bugs it will be fixed (report here).
Corporate members with access to the code can create their own fork if they need new features to the NET API.
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