OPC UA with GPRS Modem|Miscellaneous|Forum|OPC Foundation This forum requires Javascript to be enabled for posting content Log InSelect ForumAnnouncementsProduct and Service RequestsSuggestionsOPC MarketplaceOPC UA StandardOPC UA Companion StandardsOPC UA Implementation: Stacks, Tools, an…OPC Certification and Interoperability T…Classic OPC: DA, A&E, HDA, XML-DA, e…Miscellaneous SearchAdvanced SearchSearchForum ScopeCurrent forumAll forumsMatchMatch any wordMatch all wordsMatch phraseForum OptionsPosts onlyTopic titles onlyPosts and topic titlesMinimum search word length is 3 characters - maximum search word length is 84 characters Search Login name Password Remember me Lost password? HomeForumMiscellaneousOPC UA with GPRS Modem OPC UA with GPRS ModemDeepak deepakNew MemberMembersForum Posts: 2Member Since: 10/07/2020 Offline110/07/2020 - 05:18 How GPRS modem can be implemented for OPC UA. Randy ArmstrongAdmin Forum Posts: 1600Member Since: 05/30/2017 Offline210/08/2020 - 11:32 UA is a layer 7 protocol. It can use any network that has a TCP/IP stack. Forum Timezone: America/PhoenixMost Users Ever Online: 510Currently Online: Guest(s) 20Currently Browsing this Page: 1 Guest(s)Top Posters: Forum Stats: Groups: 2Forums: 10Topics: 1460Posts: 4940 Usage Policy © Simple:Press — Privacy Policy New / Updated TopicsOPC UA server with GUID and Opaque handl…Alarms - FirstInGroup alarm group object…Problem in decoding an OPC UA Pubsub Net…Should the event filtering be case sensi…Conformance-Unit based NodeSet reduction…Permissions and monitoring data changesNeed Help Filtering Specific Subset of N…MonitoredItem data change notification o…Question About CertificateExpirationAlar…ModelDesign DefaultValue for Arrays of K…Device Onboarding - Hardware protected D…Does the Topic format in PubSub MQTT UAD…SourceNode in BaseEventTypeSystem write to readonly nodeLocalisation in xml with model builderOPC UA WINDEVTesting OPC UA server Non-Transparent Re…Error codes returned by IOPCHDA_SyncUpda…Trouble installing Core Components. Is the OPC Core components required for …