
I am new to OPC UA and I apologize if the solution is obvious. I am trying to use the CTT for pre-certification testing, but am having problems getting the tool to connect to any servers. I am using a very simple python server as a starting point before I try to test more complicated systems. The code for the server I am using is here: https://github.com/FreeOpcUa/o…..example.py. I have verified that the server is running, and I am able to connect to the server with a python client, and with UAExpert client. I have disabled all firewalls and everything is running locally.
I am following the Quick Start guide on the CTT help page. I’ve set the Server URL and UserAuthenticationPolicy in the CTT project settings. When I try to connect to the server by pressing the “Open Browser” button on the CTT project settings page, I get the error “Error connecting channel: BadInvalidArgument (0x80ab0000)”. I also get the same error when I try to run any tests (OpenSecureChannel(MessageSecurityMode: None …) Result = BadInvalidArgument (0x80ab0000)).
From my server logs I am able to see that the CTT attempts to connect and 4 messages are sent between the server and CTT. There is a Hello Message, Acknowledge Message, OpenSecureChannelRequest and OpenSecureChannelResponse, none of which seem to have any errors associated with them.
I appreciate any help, thanks


Hi Ben,
we are already discussing this topic via E-Mail but just for potential readers I wanted to share some details here as well.
It currently looks like the problem is related to the Lifetime of the SecureChannel which is set to 0 in the server. The assumption is, that if the server returns a valid lifetime, the communication will be established.
Alexander Allmendinger
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