
My Question is about the reasons for skipped tests.
For example this screenshot -> skipped <-
The black arrow shows a number of tests and a bit of them are skipped, this is okay.
The red one shows that initialize.js is skipped and a Warning message with the reason why.
-> The reason in this case is that the configuration of the testing tool was wrong. Is this the only reason for skipping init.js ?
The Blue one shows that init.js is Skipped with the reason why and no cleanup.js
-> Is it possible that the CTT can show all Tests from “Data Access DataItems” because you don’t get the information how many tests haven’t been executed.
For example the test case “Data Access DataItems” has 20 tests + init&clean but in this case you don’t get the information about the number of it, only that init was skipped. I need the number of all selected tests in the report xml file.
I hope my question’s are clear enough to understand.

Hello Axel,
I did not see any screenshot attachment. But I will try to answer your questions anyway.
Skipped tests occur typically because:
- Configuration error: a setting needed by a script is not configured
- Unnecessary: perhaps the Server being tested does not support the functionality needed by the test/conformance-unit
The initialize.js and cleanup.js scripts occur automatically. Sometimes, these will not appear to execute and that is usually because there is no code to execute.
Lastly, the scripts have no way to access the number of tests within a conformance unit.
I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me directly via compliance@opcfoundation.org.


Hello Nathan,
thank you for your fast response, this answere helps me.
I hope the screenshot is uploaded.
So there is now way that the CTT can write all selected tests in the xml report when the init.js was skipped ?
I think the pic will make it clear.
I’m asking because the selection.xml holds the information of all tests.
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