
Hi Team,
I read about OPC Data Access & found that it is the first of a group of specifications known as the OPC Classic Specifications. It is related to real-time data acquisition.
On the other hand, I’ve CTT v1.3.341.390 which contains 40 test cases for Data Access Client Base, Deadband & SemanticChange under OPC-UA Client. I randomly took test case number 10 & found below result.
TestcaseNo-10: On a Float/Double node, when reading the ValuePrecision value returns 0.00.
Expected Result: The Client might provide limited controls on the values it will accept from user-input. If so, then: Client correctly formats the value (according to the data-type of the Node) and issues the write. Client should be prepared for the call to succeed or fail and to report any errors to the end-user.
Actual Result: Value of the Float/Double variable changed from 1.535 to 0.0 on execution of CTT script no. 10.
My Query: Should I execute all relevant test cases given in Data Access for OPC-UA client or leave it assuming it designed for OPC-DA server/client ?


Hello Dipika,
Data Access is being used in multiple contexts on behalf of OPC. When you are looking at the UACTT 1.3.341.390 regarding DataAccess you’ll find test cases which are defined for “Part 8 DataAccess” of the OPC UA specification. Therefore it is describing an aspect of OPC UA, which is subject to be tested in products supporting this part of the specification. So yes, the test cases listed there should be executed and are not designed for OPC Classic.
Alexander Allmendinger
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