
Hello everyone
I am not sure if I have understood the requirements and documentation correctly: Does each running application instance for a server and a client need a unique application URI, regardless of whether they are running on the same hardware or not?
This discussion refers to server instances. Here I agree that each server-instance on the same hardware (or network) should have a unique URI so that clients can identify those servers.
Does this also apply to clients? For example, if I launch UaExpert 3 times on my notebook, should each of these instances use its own URI and thus have its own certificate? Or is 1 application certificate sufficient here?
Thank you and best regards


Each unique application installation needs a URI.
It is up to the product developer to decide where the boundary between applications installations is.
If an application is both a client and server then it should have the same URI for both.
Multiple running copies of the same application on the same machine could have the same URI.
The URI is assigned based on “installations” not “processes”.
When it comes to servers you need a new URI if the address space is different.
i.e. if multiple endpoints on a host have the same URI (the client can’t tell that there are multiple processes – only the URI allows it to know that 2 endpoints are for the same server) the client is allowed to assume that a Node found on one endpoint is the same as the Node on the other endpoint. If they are different because each process was launched with a different configuration then each process would need to have its own URI and its own Certificates.
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