I understand the the UA-ModelCompiler is used to generate the UA-.NETSTandard Opc.Ua stack. However I cannot find where the XML is stored that is used to produce this C# code.
My interest is that I would like to run additional auto code generation based on the XML, in order to provide additional type safety for my application.
The ModelCompiler can use a NodeSet2 file as an input.
The NodeSets for different specifications are here: https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..UA-Nodeset
Sorry – to be clear I am interested in the ModelDesign XML. Am I correct that there is a ModelDesign for the Opc.Ua namespace?
I would be interested in the ModelDesign files for other applications too (if available) e.g. https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..iModel.xml but this was deleted in https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..it/fac8452
Where are the ModelDesign files for DI and others now stored?
There are no ModelDesign files for most companion specifications.
The NodeSet2 files are the normative definition and can be used to generate C# code.
All UA Core types that appear in the AddressSpace are generated from a ModelDesign here:
types that are used in service calls use a different XML schema for input.
The DI design files in that folder are not maintained – the latest versions of DI are NodeSet2 only.
Note that the ModelCompiler allows you to include a definitions in a NodeSet2 when creating a ModelDesign.
(i.e. when given a XML input the ModelCompiler detects the schema and loads it appropriately).
Randy Armstrong said
Great, thanks. This is what I was looking for.
I am using this for my own code generator, not the ModelCompiler. And although I could process a NodeSet2 XML file with enough effort, I find working with the ModelDesign XML much easier.
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