
Hello all,
I am starting to design a custom information model based on Robotics and ISA-95 Companion Specifications. I just want to have a basic model design including these two specs and maybe adding some additional custom ObjectTypes. I am using UAModeler and the nodeset description files from OPCFoundation github repository. Unfortunately, I found that very few ObjectTypes are included when I load Opc.Ua.Robotics.NodeSet2.xml (from UA-Nodeset/Robotics at latest · OPCFoundation/UA-Nodeset · GitHub).
Am I missing something something? On the .xml file the objects are included as defined on documents, but I can not see them when loading the file into UAModeler…
Thanks in advance!


Here are all of the Robotics ObjectTypes:
Remember that you have to browse to the supertype to see them in the tree.


All the types are included in the xml file as you said, but not all of them are displayed into UAModeler when loaded…Seems like something descriptions are missing when translating xml file to UA format. The logger from UAModeler says that everything is ok:
The newest version of UaModeler is already installed
Loaded model https://opcfoundation.org/UA/ with Version 1.05.01 and PublicationDate lu. 24. ene. 00:00:00 2022
Model C:/Program Files (x86)/UnifiedAutomation/UaModeler/bin/models/Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.ua loaded
Loaded model https://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/ with Version 1.03.1 and PublicationDate ma. 7. sep. 00:00:00 2021
Required model: https://opcfoundation.org/UA/, Version 1.05.01, PublicationDate lu. 24. ene. 00:00:00 2022: PublishingData is OK.
Model C:/Program Files (x86)/UnifiedAutomation/UaModeler/bin/models/Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2.ua loaded
Loaded model http://PLCopen.org/OpcUa/IEC61131-3/
Model C:/Program Files (x86)/UnifiedAutomation/UaModeler/bin/models/Opc.Ua.PLCopen.NodeSet.ua loaded
Model was not created with UaModeler 1.3 or higher.
Removed ModellingRule from OperationalModeEnumeration.EnumStrings
Removed ModellingRule from AxisMotionProfileEnumeration.EnumStrings
Removed ModellingRule from ExecutionModeEnumeration.EnumStrings
Removed ModellingRule from MotionDeviceCategoryEnumeration.EnumStrings
Loaded model https://opcfoundation.org/UA/Robotics/ with Version 1.01.2 and PublicationDate ju. 20. may. 00:00:00 2021
Required model: https://opcfoundation.org/UA/, Version 1.04, PublicationDate mi. 1. may. 00:00:00 2019: PublishingData is OK.
Required model: https://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/, Version 1.02, PublicationDate mi. 1. may. 00:00:00 2019: PublishingData is OK.
Model G:/Mi unidad/IFMIF-DONES-UGR/DONES_WPENS/REMOTE HANDLING SYSTEM/NUESTRO TRABAJO/EXPERIMENTOS/UA Modeler/UA-Nodeset-latest/Robotics/Opc.Ua.Robotics.NodeSet2.ua loaded
Model C:/Users/Elio/test_robotics.ua created
Model C:/Users/Elio/test_robotics.ua saved
Only 4 types are actually displayed in the information model (apart from the standard, the ones displayed in black):
– EmergencyStopFunctionType
– LoadType
– ProtectiveStopFunctionType
– UserType


I suspect you my not be browsing deep enough:
BaseObjectType -> TopologyElementType -> ComponentType -> PowerTrainType
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