Hello Team,
I’m implementing an OPC UA Client using OPC ANSI-C SDK.
I’m able to develop OPC DA communication using Interfaces (IOPCServer: public IUnknown).
However, unlike OPC DA, OPC UA SDK has exported methods (not under Interfaces/class). Is this how the infrastructure is set up? If so, could you guide us with an example?
I'm using https://github.com/OPCFoundati.....er/Include to implement OPC-UA Client in C++.
The ANSI C stack has so many security vulnerabilities we removed it from the public repo.
Looks like we forgot an hopelessly out of date version is part of the .NET samples. That code will be removed.
Please find a commercial ANSI C stack: https://opcfoundation.org/prod.....ategory=32
Some are dual license (open source/commercial).
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