
Good afternoon
My name is Diogo and I´m new to OPC-UA. I´m in the injection moulding field, and I have a test machine with OPC-UA technology, and a mould temperature controller with EUROMAP 82.1 / OPC-UA. I can already communicate (read/write) with this last equipment, trough datafeed OPC UA Client from Softing.
I´m trying to get into this subject, mainly regarding the possibility of converting “old equipment’s” with zero communication whatsoever.
For example, the dryer (of the plastic material), how can I convert/utilize them to communicate the basic of info (status, temperature setpoint, etc).
Sorry for my minimum knowledge, but I just need some tips to get started.I have looked in the forum but with no results to this basic question.
Thanks in advance.


Anything is possible. I have heard of companies that sell kits for adding network connectivity to older equipment that does not have any. I can’t recall any names at this time.
If you can’t find a company you could probably rig up your own kit using a Raspberry PI or similar small form factor, general purpose computer.
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