
Hello everybody,
first I apologize for my english and for the umpteenth question about licenses but i’m still confused.
I would create a C# commercial product and part of this product needs to read data from an opc ua server. I just need to use the dll to create a client, just dll not the source code. In that case I have to apply as member?
I’m confused beacause the nuget package opcfundation.netsandard.opc.ua seems to have a different license, am I wrong?
In this case if I need to apply as member I should apply as corporate or as end-user?
Could some one help me?
Thanks in advance


If you only use the NuGet packages and do not use the source code in your application then the NuGet license applies.
If you use the source code then the NETStandard license applies.
Correction: <The above statement is not correct. The source code license does apply because of a clause in the redistributable license>


Thank you very much for the clarification.
Just one more thing could you explain me what kind of license is this? I'm is this still a GPL or what?
This is the license I can see using the nuget package:
thank you for your patience


It is the license that applies to all OPC-F redistributables binaries.
You need to read it to make sure you understand the terms because it is not a “standard” license but there should be no surprises.
<deleted wrong statement>


Ok – to clarify what I said above was correct in the sense that redistributable license applies.
But the redistributable license says:
Distribution Restrictions. You may not create additional software components that directly link or directly load the Software Deliverables without accepting the corresponding source license for that Software Deliverable.
Which means if you are creating new software that uses the NuGet then you are bound by the Source Agreement as well.
Which means you can’t create commercial software with the NuGet unless you are a member.


How is a question related with the license, I will ask here.
According to your answer, if I want to use the dll to can create a C# client, I have to accept the accept the source agreetment too, so I need to be a member. Does it correct?
But if I am not wrong, how it is under GPL, couldn’t I use it if I give my source code?
If I have to be a memeber, with the UA Logo member is it possible to create commercial applications?
Thanks so much.


If you are not a member you are bound by GPL which means publishing your source.
If you are member then you are bound by RCL which means returning changes to the source used to create the NuGets.
The one wrinkle:
If a member creates an open source library that uses the NuGets then anyone can use that open source library under the terms specified by the member. The NuGets are not “directly link or directly loaded” by your application in this case so the simple redistributable license applies.


GPL is a well known license:
You have to make the source code available, on request, to anyone who has access to the distributed binaries (directly or indirectly).
If you never make the binaries legally available to anyone outside your company then there is no one that can make the request.
This link makes it clear that “members” means “OPC Foundation Corporate Members“.
See membership info:


Yo comment that I am responsible to give the source code if the client gives the application to a 3rd person and this 3rd person could rewuest me for the source code. So if I don’t have it for some reason, could I have problems because of that?
I think if the client gives the application, it is its responsabibilty to give the source code too, not only the binaries, to keep the chain of the license terms. is it reasonable that if the client doesn’t give source code wouldn’t have problems and it’s me who could have because he redistribute the application without respecting the GPL license?
Just it is a thought, I was wondering how a 3rd person could request me the source code if I think the client should to give the soruce code with the application.


Randy Armstrong said
If a member creates an open source library that uses the NuGets then anyone can use that open source library under the terms specified by the member. The NuGets are not “directly link or directly loaded” by your application in this case so the simple redistributable license applies.
What are the requirements for such a library? Is it just that the NuGets of the OPC Foundation must not be referenced directly? To put it to the extreme: A simple wrapper around all the APIs would be ok?
What is the difference to a corporate member creating an SDK based on the source code?


What is the difference to a corporate member creating an SDK based on the source code?
Explicitly prohibited by the license agreement.
Distributable Code. The Software Deliverables contain compiled code that you are permitted to distribute with programs you develop if you comply with the terms below.
iii. add significant primary functionality to it in your programs;
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