I need to design system with user assess management : different Users have access to different Nodes from different Clients.
Best is Role based. But my task is to use what I can find on a market.
So, my question is how far I can go with existing implementations?
What i can use?
Here is one example of what I want to have.
It is not real, but close to reality.
U1 :operator
U2 : supervisor
U3 : maintenance
G1 :operators
G2 : supervisors
G3 : maintenance
C1 : terminal at machine
C2 : terminal at office
S1 : machine
N1 : status
N2 : product counter
N3 : product reset counter, new shift
N4 : bad product counter
N5: reset bad product counter
U1-> G1-> C1->S1->N1, N2, N3, N4
U1-> G1-> C2->S1->N1, N2, N4
U2-> G2-> C1->S1->N1, N2, N4
U2-> G2-> C2->S1-> no access
U3-> G3-> C1->S1->N1, N4, N5
U3-> G3-> C2->S1->N1, N4
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