
we got an information from a client that its application wants to check the ServerDiagnosticsSummary but it can’t be found in my Server. I’ve checked the downloadable reference from the opcfoundation webpage and the objects (below ServerDiagnostics) “EnabledFlag”, “ServerDiagnosticsSummary”, “SessionsDiagnosticsSummary” and “SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray” is available. If I download the latest .NET Standard Reference Server from Github or use the Server from Nuget (1.4.371.60) those objects are only partially available. Means: only “EnabledFlag” and “SessionsDiagnosticsSummary” is available.
Is this a configuration or implementation problem?
Best regards


OK, so I should take a client (e.g. UAexpert) and login as an admin. Is there a default user and password? I’m testing with https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..enceServer at the moment. If there are no default admin credentials: how do I create those. It seems that there was an Application to configure the server, but it is deprecated. Any advice where to lookup the creation of such credentials?
Thanks a lot and best regards!


FYI: I found out that there are already issues regarding this topic, so no further action from my side needed:
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