
In the Table 13 of the OPC UA Aggregates Part 13 document, which explains about the Input and output type for the OPC supported aggregates.
I have a question related to this table:
Lets take an example for Interpolative aggregate which expects input as Numeric and output as Raw Data Type (same as that of input), So lets sat if the input supplied to the aggregate is Int32, in that case the interpolation logic will yield the result which is not a Int32 rather it will be a Double. So we can not consider the output type for this aggregate same as that of input. Same is the case with other aggregates which involves interpolation and expects out put as Raw data type.
Please correct me if I am wrong.


The table describes what is the expect datatype for the given aggregate. If the aggregate calculates something and the result is not the same as the input type then it lists the expect data – i.e. percentGood or averages are doubles, no matter what the input is. For a max or min the result is the same as what the input was (max of an int32 is still an int32).
The interpolated aggregate is suppose to generate the same datatype as was input – so if the value is an int32 the interpolated value is also in int32 (Should just use integer based math for the calculation), if the input was a double then the interpolated value is also a double. Your Interpolate logic is incorrect, if an int32 results in a double for the interpolated value.
Which other aggregates do you think do not return the same time as the raw data type, but are listed in the table as returning raw data type?
Paul Hunkar - DSInteroperability
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