I would like to create an Opc Ua server with a customized structure:
<UADataType NodeId=”ns=1;i=3003″ BrowseName=”1:SlotType”>
<Description>Slot Type</Description>
<Reference ReferenceType=”HasEncoding”>ns=1;i=5001</Reference>
<Reference ReferenceType=”HasEncoding”>ns=1;i=5003</Reference>
<Reference ReferenceType=”HasEncoding”>ns=1;i=5002</Reference>
<Reference ReferenceType=”HasSubtype” IsForward=”false”>i=22</Reference>
<Definition Name=”1:SlotType”>
<Field DataType=”Int16″ Name=”ProductId”>
<Description>Product Id</Description>
<Field DataType=”String” MaxStringLength=”2″ Name=”ProductName”>
<Description>Product Name</Description>
<Field DataType=”Int16″ ValueRank=”1″ ArrayDimensions=”3″ Name=”Location”>
<Field DataType=”Int16″ ValueRank=”1″ ArrayDimensions=”3″ Name=”Rotation”>
<Field DataType=”Int16″ ValueRank=”1″ ArrayDimensions=”3″ Name=”Dimension”>
I want a Pus folder with a PuIn Object inside, containing a list of 24 slots of type slotType.
I’ve tried to generate the model with UaModel or Ua Model eXcekerator Pro.
I can’t create this c# server with the OPCUa Foundation library. In the case of UaModel, the nodes don’t seem to be present and with UMX, the slot list is not initialized.
I tried to create the IEncodable object directly, but the client doesn’t decode it.
Do you have a simple example of how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
I managed to make my server with UaModel and the ua sdk unified Automation. how to convert it with the Opc Ua Foundation sdk.
Here is the github for the repository : https://github.com/julienMarti…../DemoOcpUa
Thanks in advance.
Best regard
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