I currently used CTT Testing Audit Event,but CTTs behavior seems strange
To clearify where went wrong,I only use AuditSession Event and AuditActivateSession Event
When CTT runs test,CTT will received many types events,but most of them were not send from my opcua server.
I checked what CTT received AuditActivateSession Event, number of Event fields was not correct,also I checked its value,were not correct neither
I have also set Event NodeID,when CTT triggers Event Node,my opcua server will emit AuditActivateSession Event,but I checked CTT Test Script,there is no triggering Event Node Id
I also use uaExpert to check if there goes wrong with my server when my server sends AuditActivateSession Event
Every Event field is correct,and value also
I also created a opcua client to monitor server if server emits Event,and my client can received AuditActivateSession Event
And Event filed is correct,there are some value not correct because I did not deal its type correctly,but its behavior is correct
According to specification of OPCUA
If server clams having audit event,when securechannel established server should emit SecureChannel Event and SecureChannelOpen Event
Seesion Event as well when Session created
Is there something I misunderstood about Audit Event?
belows link include CTT Audit Event Test Log. pictures for uaExpert and My opcua client to receive Audit Event
Audit event testing is a little different then other testing in the CTT. This is do to the nature of Audit Events. Audit event are generate when actions are taken in a server – such as establishing a secure connection, writing values to the server, or in general making any changes to the server. Support for Audit Event requires that your server will generate Audit events for all actions that are supposed to generate an Audit Event
Since Audit event are only generated as the result of other action in the server, to test Audit event using the CTT, what is required is that you also check all functionality that the server exposes in addition to the Audit checks. Allow the CTT to run all of these tests. These tests will trigger records about action that should have triggered an Audit event. With The Audit testing checked the CTT will have saved all of the Audit events that were generated during the CTT run. When all other tests are complete the review of these event will be conduct comparing them to what should have been generated by the results of the other tests.
Paul Hunkar - DSInteroperability
Thanks for your reply
CTT should collect all Audit Events send from Server during Audit Event Test,then parse collected Event datas to get what test needed,am i right?
The interesting thing is that even My Server did not send any Audit Event during Audit Event Test,but CTT still can collect several Audit Event
Thats why i am quite confusing about Audit Test on CTT
I think i figured out how CTT tests Audit Event, CTT uses ClientAuditEntryId to verify if server sends event with same ClientAuditEntryId.If matches CTT will receive Event Datas
CTT uses current time format as ClientAuditEntryId.
For ClientAuditEntryId,specification does not define it. About ClientAuditEntryId field,it could be any kinds of data,right?
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