
I need to make a simple(?) app which lists all NodeId’s, DisplayNames and datatypes for all Variables “below” a given nodeToBrowse by OPC.Ua.Client.Browser.Browse(nodeToBrowse)
I can easily retrieve a Opc.Ua.ReferenceDescriptionCollection thus getting DisplayName etc., but examining each Opc.Ua.ReferenceDescription doesn’t give me anything (I think) which can be used to find the CLR type (or the Opc.Ua.BuiltInType enum).
One of the variables are Double which should have an id of 11 (in the BuitInTypes enum), but I cannot find this by the browsing described above.
Is this at all possible to achieve without actually reading the data?


Is this at all possible to achieve without actually reading the data?
No. The expectation in UA is you browse and then read where the read fetches only those attributes that you need for your application (in your case the DataType, ValueRank and ArrayDimensions Attributes – the Value is not required).
You need to remember read multiple nodes at once (i.e. all Nodes returned in the Browse). Reading one node at a time will degrade performance. One Browse and one Read has minimal impact on performance.
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