
The standard Information Model XML Schema (https://reference.opcfoundatio…..105/docs/F) does not seem to provide a “standard syntax” for PubSub modeling, in the way that it provides for Client-Server applications.
Q: Why is it that the OPC-UA standard does not publish a syntax for PubSub schema (e.g. similar to https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..odeSet.xsd)?
I was analysing two different OPC-UA SDK tools with respect to PubSub model and observed that both have their own pubsub schema files which are compliant to model definition of OPC UA Part 14 specs.
However, the XML instance of one tool is not inter-operable with the other. This creates a problem when the Info model has to be shared with other party who may not be using the same tool as ours.


The Structure of PubSub messages is described by DataSetMetadata Messages:
The DataSetMetaData Structure is defined by a JSON schema here:
The NodeSet is intended for static models.
PubSub is designed for dynamic models and includes mechanisms to report and detect changes to the schema that describes the messages.
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