

If you need to connect to existing industrial applications you need to implement OPC.
There is a huge library of OPC servers that connect to different industrial devices so you only need to implement an OPC client to access all of this information. In many cases, the OPC servers are supplied by the makers of the devices, however, there are also 3rd party products that can be used.
The question of whether you need a server a client or both would require a more detailed discussion of your requirements.


As Randy said to really know if you need a server or just a client depend on a more detailed analysis of your application. If you are generating data locally in your Application then you would most probably need a server to expose that data, some of what you described (audit logs security data – login/logout) are all covered by existing OPC UA models that you could implement in an OPC UA Server.
Most PLC currently are or can be OPC UA Servers, so all you would need is an OPC UA client and your application can collect data from may different vendors PLC’s. If you would want to then expose this data as part of your own OPC UA Server – this can be done, it is more commonly called an aggregating server (you are aggregating information from underlining devices and sourcing it to higher level applications). Again how you would want to do this could be discussed further (are you enhancing the data from the underlining PLC’s or just echoing it up to to higher level applications?
Paul Hunkar - DSInteroperability
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