
We have a question about StackElementType of the Part 200. In the definition of StackElementType, there is the property NumberInList which comes from the interface IOrderedObjectType. The interface IOrderedObjectType defines that this property is read only. But looking at the definition of StackElementType into the nodeset file https://github.com/OPCFoundati…..deSet2.xml, the property NumberInList is writable, access level is 3:
<UAVariable NodeId=“ns=1;i=6015“ BrowseName=“NumberInList“ ParentNodeId=“ns=1;i=1005“ DataType=“UInteger“ AccessLevel=“3“>
The Part 200 does not give any reason why this has been made writable, and in the amendment 13 is stating that two objects in the list shall never have the same value of NumberInList, but if writable, it will be impossible to ensure.
So we are wondering if the fact that this property NumberInList in StackElementType is set as writable is a bug or if there is a reason to it and which one?
Thanks you for your help.


1) The AccessLevel on InstanceDeclarations is misleading. It determines whether the default value stored by the InstanceDeclaration can be updated. It is also the default AccessLevel when a instance is created. It does not restrict what AccessLevel will be available on the actual instance. Those types of restrictions must be explained in text.
2) This does seem like an error in the NodeSet. I suggest a mantis issue:
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