Hello everybody!
Pactical advice neede. We need to edit complex variable object throug the OPC-UA interface. And we think about how to do this in right way. The problem is that object editing contains complex logic depending on some conditions. Problems can be next:
1) We need show/hide or ebable/disable some nodes.
2) We need to change ranges of AnalogItemType variables.
3) We need to chage acceptable enum range
The goal is to make the model wich will allow to create the editor for our object automatically or even edit it in tool like UAExpert.
We see thwo solutions here.
First solution: we can try to modify address space on the fly (create or delete node, change enum type definition, change AnalogItemType definitions).
Second solution: to make static model with additional nodes. For example, if we need node disabling/enabling, then additional property can be added (XxxNodeEnabled). AnalogItemTypes can be replaced by set of variables which describes presission, format, high and low rannge, ets... With enums we can also use additional property like AvaliableValues, this can be an array of KeyValuePair...
What do tho think about this? Which solution is more correct from a theoretical and practical point of view?
Best regards.
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