- Publish date: 04/23/2014
- Product release date: 07/31/2022
- Product Version: 3.1.1
- Product Webpage
- Product descriptor (URL)
DeviceXPlorer Data Logger
DeviceXPlorer Data Logger called DxpLOGGER is a software package to collect production data through OPC DA interface and store to CSV file or ODBC datasouce. It will be useful for – production management, energy management, alerm watching system.
Key Features
- Sampling logging(constant frequency), event logging (triggered data changing.)
- CSV and ODBC Database (SQL Server, Acess, Oracle, Postge SQL.)
- Watching alerm with any conditions.
- Data search by date/time and show in spread sheet.
- Trend graph for logging data or realtime data.
- Execute custom program on anytime.
Product details
Category: Data Logger |
Supported Profiles and Facets
Application Profiles:
UACore 1.03
- Standard UA Client Profile
Additional Facets:
UACore 1.04
- Attribute Read Client Facet
- Attribute Write Client Facet
- Base Client Behaviour Facet
- Core 2017 Client Facet
- DataAccess Client Facet
- DataChange Subscriber Client Facet
- UA-TCP UA-SC UA-Binary
Security Policies:
UACore 1.04
- SecurityPolicy [A] - Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep
- SecurityPolicy [B] – Basic256Sha256
- SecurityPolicy – Basic128Rsa15
- SecurityPolicy – Basic256
- SecurityPolicy – None
User Tokens:
UACore 1.04
- User Token – Anonymous Client Facet
- User Token – Anonymous Facet
- User Token – User Name Password Client Facet
- Data Access 2.05a
- Data Access 3.0