- Publish date: 04/29/2014
- Product release date: 04/29/2014
- Product Webpage

.NET OPC DA Client Component
OPCDA.NET is a .NET component for the development of OPC DA client applications with C# or VB.NET. It provides classes, controls and tools for the efficient development of high quality .NET (C# or VB) OPC DA client applications. It is used since 2002 by over 1000 companies.
OPCDA.NET supports 32-bit and 64-bit operation on all Windows versions. The .Net wrapper assembly and the utilities are provided in versions for the .Net Frameworks 4/4.5 and 2/3/3.5. Many sample applications are provided with projects for Visual Studio 2005 .. 2013.
OPCDA.NET has a multi-layered class structure. The user can choose the interface layer according the application requirements and the personal preferences.
- The server access Controls reduce application coding to a minimum. These invisible controls are configured in the Visual Studio Designer and handle the OPC server access with extensive error checking.
- The QuickUse classes provide simple to use methods for data binding, item browsing and synchronous/asynchronous item read/write access. Minimal OPC knowledge is required.
- OPC DA V3 server access methods. All OPC DA V3 defined (mandatory and optional) functions can be accessed through methods that handle all data type conversion to/from .Net data types.
- OPC DA V2.05 server access methods. All OPC DA V2.05 defined (mandatory and optional) functions can be accessed through methods that handle all data type conversion to/from .Net data types.
The Background Server Access classes handle all server access in background threads and prevent the application from becoming unresponsive due to long DCOM communications timeouts or long server processing times due e.g. to slow device access.
The convenient OPC DA V3 Browse and GetProperties methods can be used with OPC DA V2 servers.
The OPCDA.NET-UA option can be added to the project to enable the application to access OPC DA and OPC UA servers through the same API.