- Publish date: 04/12/2022
- Product release date: 04/12/2022
- Product Webpage
umati Sample-Server
umati Sample-Server
Reference implementation of companion specifications
Based on open62541
Implemented Companion Specifications:
- OPC 4000-1 UA for Machinery
- OPC 40501-1 UA for Machine Tool
- OPC 40550-1 UA for Woodworking
- OPC 40210 UA for Geometrical Measuring Systems
Implemented Profiles and Facets
- Machinery Machine Identification Server Facet
- Machinery Machine Identification
- MachineTools – all Facets
- Woodworking – all Facets
- Geometrical Mearsuring Systems – Result Management
Upcoming features
- PubSub over MQTT (JSON) for Companion Specifications
- Surface Technology
- Robotics
- PlasticsRubber