Event Details
OPC Interoperability Workshop 2025, Japan
Date: 06/18/2025
Time24 Building Tokyo
Map and Directions
The OPC Foundations’ Interoperability Workshop (IOP) Japan 2025 is taking place in the TIME24 Building in Tokyo. Space is limited, so register now!
This workshop is “The” event for testing OPC products for interoperability and preparing them for market. Vendors can test and debug their products against one another for interoperability, compliance and reliability. IOP workshops also provide an ideal opportunity to network with your peers, learn about OPC technology and interact with industry-leading experts.
Plan on debugging issues that occur and be prepared to modify your software components if required. Testing will be primarily for the successful operation between clients and servers; we will test for failures as time permits.
Our In-Person and virtual IOPs were very successful, with several members reporting that it was “extremely valuable” in preparing their products for release.
The OPC Interoperability Workshops are open to OPC Foundation corporate member companies for free.
Global Discover Service
This workshop will also provide a GDS, which will allow distribution of certificates to OPC UA Clients and Servers. The GDS Supports both Push and Pull methods for obtaining certificates. Both Client and Server vendors are encouraged to test this functionality.
Pub / Sub
This workshop will also support testing of Publish and Subscriber that have implemented the Part 14 pub/sub architecture. Additional details will be provided later. If you plan to test this feature, please let us know by sending a mail to iop@opcfoundation.org.
Available OPC Technology For Testing
- OPC Unified Architecture (UA) – Windows, Linux, Embedded
Provided Infrastructure For Testing
- Local Area Network consisting of a standard CAT5 Ethernet cable
- Internet access
- Web-based application providing Test suggestions and for recording test results
What to Bring
- Computer (laptops are preferred) containing your OPC product(s) for testing.
- Backup drives and/or restoration DVDs in the event your PC crashes.
- Any additional hardware/software needed to conduct your testing.
Interoperability Workshop Preparations
Attendees will be asked to specify their products in the OPC Interoperability Test Application in order to have more time for testing during the workshop. Instructions will be provided in the event payment conformation email.
Wednesday, 18 June
09:30 Opening
10:00 – 12:30
- Network and Computer Setup
- Verify Connectivity
12:30 – 17:00
- Begin General Testing
We will start with network configuration, followed by certification configuration for UA. A “share” partition on the file server can be used to exchange files if necessary.
For the rest of the morning
- All Servers have to be specified by means of a Web-based entry-form (Entry point, general properties, supported optional interfaces, supported Node IDs). These data will go into the test database and will be available for the clients as test data.
- Clients will also use Web-based entry-forms to find available servers, view their properties, select them for testing, fill in test results, etc.
Thursday, 19 June
08:50 Opening
09:00 – 17:00
- General Testing
These three days will be available for general testing. Every client has to perform an IOP test with every server of different vendors. Web-based forms will show the status with respect to available servers and clients.
From past experience, we estimate an average of one hour for each test combination.
Each client vendor must enter the test results for each tested server into a web-based database. The database will be available to all participants at the end of the workshop.
The hosts and other experienced attendees will be available to help solving general problems like certificate management, network issue and specification ambiguities.
Friday, 20 June
08:50 Opening
09:00 – 11:30
- General Testing and wrap-up
12:30 – 15:00
- General and Challenge Testing
15:00 – 16:00
- Wrap-up
Please note the following, as this IOP is operated by OPC Foundation Japan:
- All sessions with conversation will be held in Japanese mainly. However, the language for communication such as posting in chats is open to the attendees.
- The core time is 9:00 – 17:00 (JST)
TIME24 Building
2-4-32 Aomi, koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Attendees are responsible for making their own travel and hotel reservations.
Primary Contact
If you have questions about the OPC Interoperability Workshop, please contact:
Alexander Allmendinger, OPC Foundation