This Code of Conduct (Code) applies to every participant in an OPC Technical Committee, Subcommittee, or Working Group.
We will:
Work for the Net Benefit of the OPC community | We recognize that the development of standards is for the net benefit of the international OPC community, over and above the interests of any individual, company or representative organization. We acknowledge that we are required to represent our nominating organizations or company, but we must be prepared to acknowledge consensus decisions that are in the general interest. |
Uphold the consensus process | We will uphold the principles of our consensus-based process through openness, transparency, balance and respect for each member in alignment with internationally recognized principles of consensus in the development of Standards. |
Agree to clear purpose and scope | We will commit to the development of a clear shared purpose, objectives, agenda and project plan to ensure timely and efficient development and maintenance of Standards and related products. |
Respect others in meetings | We commit to respecting others and the professional culture of standardization. We will attend meetings fully briefed and prepared. We commit to meeting etiquette and the rules of engagement by:
Participate actively | We will agree to our roles and responsibilities and actively participate in standards development projects where agreed. We will engage and consult with our company or nominating organizations to ensure our constituency is informed and their views represented. |
Escalate and resolve issues | We will identify and escalate issues and disputes in a timely manner to ensure rapid resolution. We will uphold the processes in the working group guidelines (OPC 11051). |
Behave legally and ethically | We will act in good faith and with due care and diligence and comply with applicable laws and standards. We will promote and adhere to a culture of fair and ethical behavior. |