Dr. Kazuhiro Kusunoki, Chief Technology Officer of Factory Automation Systems Group,
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Dr. Kazuhiro Kusunoki has been promoted to Chief Technology Officer of the Factory Automation Systems Group of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Kusunoki is responsible for the strategy and product development and continued sustainable growth within Mitsubishi Electric. His focus is in searching and acquiring leading innovative technologies for solving social issues and implementation of such technologies in for society.
Dr. Kusunoki joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1988 and has been engaged mainly in R&D of real-time networks and object-oriented distributed processing systems for more than 30 years.
At Nagoya Works, Mitsubishi Electric factory he has been in charge of the development and production of Factory Automation products, he is credited with the developed CC-Link IE, an industrial network that achieves both high-capacity information communications and real-time control communications. Dr. Kusunoki has also undertaken business planning of e-F@ctory, which makes maximum use of collaborative technologies that link FA products and IT.
Since 2019, he has been the Senior General Manager of Information Technology R&D Center, and he is responsible for the research and development of various information technologies, including AI and security, media intelligence, and optical radio and communications technologies.
Dr. Kusunoki holds a PhD from Kyushu University and has also been a visiting professor at the Faculty of Information Science, Shizuoka University since 2021. He serves as a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ Smart IoT Acceleration Forum and is responsible for changing the structure of industry and society in all fields through technological developments such as IoT, big data, and AI.
Dr. Kusunoki also serves as a Director of Manufacturing Science and Technology Center and contributes to the expansion of the frontiers of robotics, factory automation, and other manufacturing science and technology by promoting research and development of fundamental technologies related to this area, as well as other manufacturing science and technology, as well as international joint research.