Process Air Extraction and Filtration Systems

OPC 40740 Process Air Extraction and Filtration Systems


Defines the data structures, parameters, methods, state machines etc. for the communication among process air extraction and filtration systems (PAEFS), between process air extraction and filtration systems and preceding machinery, between process air extraction and filtration systems and supporting systems (e.g. technical ventilation, conveying systems) and from process air extraction and filtration systems into higher level manufacturing systems (e.g. Manufacturing Execution System, MES), for information and diagnostic purposes and to set parameters regarding the extraction and filtration system process.
PAEFS are important systems which are used in the process industry and manufacturing industry or others.
Extraction and filtration systems include inertial force extraction and filtration systems, electrostatic extraction and filtration systems, wet separators and automatic roll filters. These extraction and filtration systems may be cleanable or non-cleanable as well as regenerative or non-regenerative.

Working Group Process Air Extraction and Filtration
Document Type Specification
License Specifications
Access Level Registered
Version Status Date
Release 2025-03-05
Topics: Inclusion of optional MachineryBuildingBlocks in several Type Definition.
Release 2023-08-10