OPC 40530 UA for Laser Systems


A laser system consists of the source itself and one or more additional components that are either optional (e.g., a pilot laser) or required (e.g. a cooling system, a laser source controller) to operate the source itself.
The laser may be used for different tasks such as cutting, welding, sintering or melting. These laser systems are often integrated into a large CNC or PLC controlled machine, which may already be OPC UA capable or even part of a larger OPC UA environment.
The goal of this companion specification is to provide a standardized and extendable interface for the integration of laser systems into an OPC UA environment.
This interface shall then provide laser system maintainers with easy and robust access to information, based on which they can optimize their individual processes and derive additional value.
One example would be the enabling of fast and target-oriented maintenance measures or the on-demand stock part management of service life parts.
This is primarily achieved by providing data regarding the laser system type, identity, and past and current states/conditions.

Working Group Laser Systems
Document Type Specification
License Specifications
Access Level Registered
Version Status Date
Release 2023-12-01