Event Details
Substainable Manufacturing Strategies Summit
Date: 06/27/2025
Altis Grand Hotel Lisbon
Map and Directions
The Sustainable Manufacturing Strategies Summit is an invitation-only forum that addresses some key challenges manufacturers face during their ongoing sustainability journey.
The innovative format of this summit is supported by a community of C-level and senior business leaders from Europe’s Tier One and Two manufacturers, along with challengers and disruptors who are mutually interested in engaging, debating, experiencing share and learning from each other focused on topics around:
- Sustainability 4.0
- Better Data – Better Decisions
- Security and Regulations
The intimate gathering allows for a truly interactive and engaging experience focused on valuable dialogue through interactive sessions such as Team Challenges, Roundtables, Workshops, Interactive Showcase Panels and Private meetings.
Find more information about the summit here: https://sms-summit.com/
Join the presentation from Erich Barnststedt, Microsoft on June 26/27, 2025
Listen to
- the new “OPC Foundation Cloud Reference Architecture” supported by AWS, Google, Huawei, Microsoft and SAP and 11 end-users
- EU Digital Product Passports – like the Battery passport done in 30min
- Security validated by international security agencies
Please note the special rate for OPC members!
Contact the director and organizer Andy Barrett andy@intrinsic-communications.com with keyword “OPC member” to get a very special attendee discount.