M2M Alliance


Today’s devices and machines produce high-value data. For example,  a production machine logs at which time it is used. However, the available data only becomes viable if it can be processed and used to improve a product, to offer a service, or to reduce the costs. For example, knowing the utilization of production systems can be used for offering overcapacities of the procution system to other parties. Currently, the value of the available data is lost as the data is locked within its source.

Communication enables remote accessing to and processing of the data. Internet-based smart services enable new business cases, like production as a service, which mine the value of the available data. A prerequisite for smart services is that devices, machines, and smart services exchange data in a secure way. Otherwise, data, machines, and devices might get compromised or the value of the data is monetarized by external parties.

Device and machine builders must ensure the data integrity and the data confidentially. Furthermore, they must guarantee that the sovereignty of the data remains to the data owner. Currently, many devices and machine builders struggling with these security challenges. Thereby, they give away the ability to use the data to improve their own products, services, and to reduce their costs. Nevertheless, the information to build secure solutions already exists within the M2M Alliance and the OPC Foundation (OPCF).

For this reason, the M2M & OPCF user group has been founded in order to document and spread best practices for building secure communication solutions and smart services based on device and machine data.


Whitepaper showing use cases and best practices for secure communication for device and machine builders.

Companies behind

  • M2M Alliance e.V
  • Hochschule Offenburg
  • Fraunhofer IEM
  • Fraunhofer Fokus
  • Microsoft
  • DSInteroperability
  • Beckhoff
  • Sparhawksoftware
  • Ascolab
  • Cumulocity
  • Telefoncia
  • exceet Secure Solutions


  • Chairman: Uwe Pohlmann (Fraunhofer IEM), uwe.pohlmann(at)iem.fraunhofer.de
  • OPC Foundation: Stefan Hoppe (OPCF), stefan.hoppe(at)opcfoundation.org
  • M2M Alliance: Prof. Axel Sikora, (M2M Alliance e.V.), axel.sikora(at)hs-offenburg.de


About M2M Alliance

M2M applications are finding use in more and more industries and fields. It is therefore important to join forces and create uniform structures. As the largest association for the machine-to-machine sector, the M2M Alliance is considered the platform and voice for providers and users of M2M solutions. The primary objective of the M2M Alliance is to promote M2M technologies and solutions. The M2M Alliance actively advocates for the economic interests of its members, and promotes cooperation and the exchange of experiences among the various sectors and companies

M2M Alliance e.V.
Speditionsstr. 15a
40221 Düsseldorf | Germany
