
World’s First Internationally Developed Machine Vision Information Model Based on OPC UA Released by VDMA Machine Vision Initiative


OPC Foundation vision for facilitating the creation of globally harmonized information models via OPC UA Companion Specifications reaches its first milestone and demonstrates path forward to true semantic interoperability Scottsdale, AZ – Sept 1st, 2019 – The OPC Foundation announces the release of the first global OPC UA Machine Vision Part 1 Companion Specification whose […]

Available: Presentations from OPCF GAM2018


Jan 2019 | Available: Presentations from OPC Foundation General Assembly Meeting 2018 are available for download. During GAM 2018 the results of the Board of Directors’ election have been announced, but also an detailed overview on the activities during the 2018 year and the plans for 2019 have been presented. Details: Download here Content: OPC […]

Major Automation Industry Players join OPC UA including TSN initiative


The OPC UA including TSN initiative announced by OPC Foundation November 5th has already been joined by many major industrial automation suppliers Scottsdale, AZ – November 27th, 2018 – Within weeks of announcing the ‘OPC UA including TSN down to field level’ initiative, the rapid engagement of leading automation suppliers proves the resonance of this […]

The OPC Foundation elects three new members to its Board of Directors


Scottsdale, AZ – November 27th, 2018 – The OPC Foundation announces the election of three new directors to its Board of Directors (BoD). The new BoD members include Dr. Bernhard Eschermann, CTO of ABB Industrial Automation Division, Dr. Juergen Weinhofer, vice president of common architecture and technology for Rockwell Automation, and Fabrice Jadot, Senior Vice […]

OPC Foundation extends OPC UA including TSN down to field level


The OPC Foundation launches an initiative to further enable OPC UA adoption throughout industrial automation by extending standardization and harmonization activities for OPC UA including TSN enabled Ethernet networks   Scottsdale, AZ – November 5th, 2018 – The OPC Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its new setup to identify OPC UA and […]

OPC Foundation Announces New President


Stefan Hoppe is elected President and Executive Director of the OPC Foundation after Thomas J. Burke nominates Mr. Hoppe as his successor Scottsdale, AZ – October 31, 2018 – The OPC Foundation welcomes Stefan Hoppe as its next President and Executive Director. Mr. Burke, the former President and Executive Director, nominated Mr. Hoppe as his […]

Update OPC IPR policy v2.1


Scottsdale, AZ, Oct 18th, 2018 – In April of this year the OPC Foundation announced a new “version 2.0” IPR policy. This policy was well-received by nearly all of our 610 members, which has enabled us to welcome a variety of new members, including some large, industry-leading companies. OPC Foundation received from OPC Foundation members […]