
Expand your understanding of OPC technology with one of the featured books below.

OPC Unified Architecture
by Wolfgang Mahnke, Stefan-Helmut Leitner and Matthias Damm


Learn about the fundamentals and theory behind OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA).

Click here for ordering information.


OPC统一架构 [平装]
Wolfgang Mahnke, Stefan-Helmut Leitner and Matthias Damm




OPC UA: The Basics
by John Rinaldi

OPC UA: The Basics

OPC UA: The Basics is an Everyman’s overview of OPC UA. This is not a hardcore technical specification that digs down to the smallest bits and bytes of OPC UA. This is a high level overview of the protocol for someone without 20 years of experience in embedded programming. Perfect for a sales person, IT Professional or executive trying to figure out what OPC UA brings to the table. Join John Rinaldi (The Dr. Phil of Automation) as he breaks down the features of OPC UA and gives you insight into how this emerging technology is redefining the line between Automation and Enterprise Systems.

Click here for ordering information.