
OPC Interoperability workshop Europe Nov 02, Registration has opened


Aug 2015 | This workshop hosted by Siemens in Nueremberg Germany is “the” event for testing OPC products for interoperability and preparing them for market. Vendors can test and debug their products against one another for interoperability, compliance and reliability. IOP workshops also provide an ideal opportunity to network with your peers, learn about OPC […]

Open-SCS Announces Webinar


Healthcare Providers Urgently Drive the Open-SCS Initiative as a Serialization Compliance Solution Please join our webinar for an overview of this new specification work. September 3, 2015: 10:00 AM EDT USA, 4:00 PM CET Register: Overview Since the 2012 Patent Cliff, generic products now make up 80% of the global healthcare market and are […]

Open-SCS Working Group Addresses Packaging Serialization Standardization


The Open-SCS Working Group Addresses Packaging Serialization Standard to Accelerate Compliance for Healthcare Counterfeiting Regulations Addressing compliance to healthcare counterfeiting regulations, the Steering Committee of the Open Serialization Communication Standard Working Group (Open-SCS) announces the accelerated development of an industrial interoperability standard and associated requirements templates for release by the end of 2015. Since the […]

GE First to Implement Global Discovery Server


GE today announced that it is the first to implement and release a new Global Discovery Server based on the new Part 12 of the OPC UA standards. This specification enables the Industrial Internet with improved ease of connectivity across devices and equipment. The Proficy Global Discover Server (GDS) automatically discovers OPC UA devices on the […]

Multiple UA 1.03 Specifications Available for Member Review


Apr 2015 | The OPC UA Working Group has made the following UA 1.03 Specifications available as Release Candidates, seeking membership review: UA Part 8 – Data Access UA Part 9 – Alarms and Conditions UA Part 10 – Programs UA Part 13 – Aggregates All members are encouraged to review the specifications and provide […]

Update for IEC 62541 (OPC UA) Published


An updated and enhanced edition of the IEC 62541 standard, which represents the international standard of OPC UA, was published in March by the IEC standards organization. This revised standard was developed by the IEC working group and the OPC Foundation. The new edition supports the growing preference among end-users and OEMs for control and […]

OPC Foundation and EtherCAT Technology Group Sign MOU


For Immediate Release Co-operation between OPC Foundation and EtherCAT Technology Group regarding common Industrie 4.0 und Internet of Things Interfaces. OPC Foundation and EtherCAT Technology Group Sign Memorandum of Understanding at Hanover Fair. Scottsdale, AZ – April 14, 2015 – OPC UA is about scalable communication with integrated security by design up to MES / […]

OPC Announces “OPC UA Open Shared Source” Strategy


OPC Announces “OPC UA Open Shared Source” Strategy OPC Foundation opens the doors to facilitate increased adoption of OPC Unified Architecture technology beyond industrial automation! For Immediate Release    Hannover, Germany – April 14, 2015 – The OPC Foundation announced that the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) specifications and technology will be made available to companies, […]

OPC Foundation and AIM Partner on AutoID Intergration


For Immediate Release    OPC Foundation and AIM Partner on AutoID Integration Scottsdale, AZ – April 14, 2015 – The AIM German industrial association and the OPC Foundation have announced the introduction of the OPC AIM Companion Specification for simplifying the integration of AutoID systems with IT systems. First revealed at Hannover Messe Industrie in April […]

OPC Foundation Elects Schmid-Lutz of SAP to Board


For Immediate Release    OPC Foundation Elects Schmid-Lutz of SAP to Board Scottsdale, AZ – April 14, 2015 – Veronika Schmid-Lutz, Chief Product Owner for manufacturing products at SAP SE, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the OPC Foundation. SAP was an early supporter of OPC UA and integrated the standard into its […]